Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Oven Mishaps

So last night in the middle of the night, I woke up in a sweat. This isn't entirely unusual, I get hot often, especially when I sleep, and I couldn't get back to sleep. So I opened the window in my living room and in my bedroom, and was able to get back to sleep. This morning I go into the kitchen and it's hot! I couldn't figure out, in my first of the morning grogginess, why it was so warm. And then I realized the oven was still on from my dinner last night. Doh. So my apartment feels like a sauna now.

Yesterday, I was on the phone with my mom, and all of a sudden I hear this crash and my mom saying, "Oh my gosh, I'm SOOOOO sorry..." and then to me, very quickly, "Emily, I gotta go! I exploded a pan!"

Of course, I'm thinking....what? She exploded a pan??? And I was dying to call back and learn the particulars of the situation! But I was glad she specified what the catastrophe was, because instead of being a little, "Um.... what?" like I was...I might have been worrying about what happened to someone - as accidents have seemed to abound in my family as of late.

Apparently Eric had baked a cake, and was allowing it to cool on top of the stove. My mom went to go make dinner on the stove and turned on the wrong burner, and it exploded the glass pan that the cake was in. Oops. Poor pan.

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